John Rowe's Diary did not show Paul Revere in Attendance. To the right are the opinions of
A PAPER READ BY EDWARD L. PIERCE BEFORE March 14, 1895. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. Slnibcrsitg ^rcss. 1895. Available archived here; |
The private dinners at which Rowe was host or guest bring
before us the principal citizens of Boston at that time. One
misses altogether, in the repeated lists of names, Paul Revere,
not then ranking with people of social consideration, and finds
only in a very few instances Samuel Adams sharing in the
conviviality. The last-named, with Hancock and Gushing,
dines with Rowe May 5, 1767, and again Feb. 15, 1774, in com-
pany with Colonel James Warren of Plymouth, and other
guests, not of Boston, bearing military titles. Rowe meets
Adams at a dinner at Henderson Inches's, Jan. 7, 1775, in
company with the clergymen Hunt and Bacon, Ezekiel Gold-
thwait. Gushing, and Arnold Wells. Otherwise Samuel Adams
is not traced at dinners and clubs, except at the Fire Club.